Archive of stories published by tsurupaas

Tsuru PaaS on Google Cloud Platform

Tsuru is an Open-Source Multi-Provisioner Platform as a Service created by, with more than 4 years orchestrating and running docker in production.

Tsuru comes with its own orchestrator, but you can add both Swarm and Kubernetes…

tsuru 1.6.0 released

We just released tsuru 1.6.0, with a lot of new features and bug fixes. Here are the most relevant ones — refer to the full release notes for more.

Platform versioning

tsuru 1.4.0 released, with volumes, improved Kubernetes support and more!

With tsuru 1.3.0, we added experimental support to Kubernetes as a provisioner for running your apps. In the development of tsuru 1.4.0, we kept focusing on this feature. We fixed a couple of bugs and…

Using Packer to speed-up your first experience with tsuru

If you have ever used tsuru-bootstrap before, you know how slow it can get. If you have never used it, you should know that running a command and then waiting 30 minutes to get tsuru up and running is not ideal. What if we could…

These were the top 10 stories published by tsurupaas; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.