tsuru 1.6.0 released

We just released tsuru 1.6.0, with a lot of new features and bug fixes. Here are the most relevant ones — refer to the full release notes for more.

Platform versioning

tsuru 1.4.0 released, with volumes, improved Kubernetes support and more!

With tsuru 1.3.0, we added experimental support to Kubernetes as a provisioner for running your apps. In the development of tsuru 1.4.0, we kept focusing on this feature. We fixed a couple of bugs and…

Tsuru PaaS on Google Cloud Platform

Tsuru is an Open-Source Multi-Provisioner Platform as a Service created by Globo.com, with more than 4 years orchestrating and running docker in production.

Tsuru comes with its own orchestrator, but you can add both Swarm and Kubernetes…

tsuru server 1.0.0 is out!

tsuru server 1.0.0, along with tsuru client 1.0.1 and tsuru-admin 1.0.0, has been released last week!

This release includes some awesome features and fixes. Please refer to the release notes for the full list of features.